部落冲突:皇室战争即将更新 或将推出实时观战系统
时间:2016-04-08 10:24:53 来源:聚侠网 作者:W牧之据可靠消息称:部落冲突:皇室战争近期将更新,不仅如此,还将上线友谊赛部落内部实时观战系统,下面就与聚侠网小编一起来看看部落冲突:皇室战争最新内容吧!
Clash Royale's fast, strategic gameplay is well-suited to competitions. We're thrilled that players are already organizing their own tournaments, and we've been watching as many as we can! One big lesson so far is that disparities in card and tower levels can be hard to overcome for even the most skilled players. In order to make tournaments a big part of Clash Royale, our goal is to give players an easy way to level the playing field.
To achieve this, we plan to emphasize the importance of our "Tournament Rules" in the future, which we consider to be the basis for competitive Clash Royale play. This will ensure that skill, timing and placement will always be the deciding factors in competitive matches.
Our philosophy on tournaments is that anyone who plays Clash Royale should be able to participate, and potentially win if they've got the chops. The best of the best will be determined by the quality of the player, not the level of their cards!
We're still working out the bigger picture for how we want to fully emphasize Tournament Rules gameplay, but in the meantime we can say that we'll be adding live spectating to Friendly Battles in the next update! This should really help tournament creators run better and more exciting events! Stay tuned for more on the Tournament Rules topic coming soon.